Saturday, September 14, 2013

YELLOWSTONE 3D - America's Greatest Wonder (Blu-ray 3D & 2D Version) REGION FREE

Be careful if preordering this item
August 17, 2013. Just received another notice from Amazon that there is further delay. Don't know if this is their standard update or if the September release is extended further. Still shows on product page as September. As for me I have finally had enough with these delays and today I cancelled my preorder for this one as well as the one on Grand Canyon and Rockies from same studio for which also received note from Amazon that they too were delayed. Yellowstone was first to be out end of March, or nearly six months ago. I have decided that if they cannot meet schedule over this length of time with delay after delay then I will wait and see what people have to say if and when they are released. I am hoping they are good but would rather wait until out and then see what people think of the production value when they have actually seen the video and its 3D effects. June 27, 2013 update. After publishing this review on the Yellowstone, Grand Canyon and Rockies DVD sites several...

Endless delays of the release
I am a little bit annoyed by the few existing reviews of this movie that hasn't come yet. Time of its' release continues to change, and Amazon has nothing in its' power but to continue accepting pre-ordrers. Meanwhile, expectations and interest are dwindling out. Will we ever watch them?

Release Date Keeps Changing
I was very excited to get this and Rocky Mountains 3D and ColoRado River 3D. Yellowstone and Rocky Mountains were supposed to be released today, the 6th, but I just noticed that the release dates got pushed back until October. What up with that? Really not cool. I don't know if it is Amazon or the company releasing them, but the last minute change is very off putting.

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