Friday, September 6, 2013

The Swan Princess Christmas

Fans of the original avoid this movie!
I have always been a fan of The Swan Princess Movies. The first was released when I was a kid and even though I am now in college, I can honestly say I still highly enjoy the series and probably will for a long time. As you can imagine, when I found out that there was a fourth movie to the series released this past year (2012) I was ecstatic. However, upon watching this movie, I found that it was all in vain.

Also, this is a rather long review.

Where to begin. Well, I had to take two sittings to watch this. The first time I barely pasted the four minute mark. My first complaint was the animation, which looked like terrible CGI from a computer game back in the 90's, mainly in the beginning, but there were also other parts, I found in my second shot at attempting to watch this, that the animation lacked again. The music also wasn't matching the feel of the other movies. Mind you, this was all a first judging...

Meh.... mildly ok definately horrible
When compaired to the other movies of this series this HAS to be the most HORRIBLE Swan Princess EVER! Crappy out of place music( none of the orginality or pep of the first movies), medicore voice acting and above all else....... Animation that makes one PUKE! None of the characters look or act like themselves (Except maybe Rothbart- but he even then he was changed to childish SAP! rather then the totally coolest bad guy EVER that he was in the first movie.) I think it might have been alright if they'd stuck to the original animation style and kept the feel of the original 3 movies- but instead they tried something new and frankly.... it fell flat on it's face. Waste of a good plot (Which is the ONLY upside to this movie) if you ask me.

Don't waste your money.. seriously... this movie isn't worth 50 cents never mind what it's listed at. If you want something Swan Princess go buy the first 3, they are way more worth your time and dollars.

This was so bad we actually had to stop and switch to a diferent movie. BAD everything. Do NOT waste you money or time on this.
We loved the first Swan Princess movie and were looking forward to watching this new Swan Princess movie Christmas day as a family. I can't say enough about how bad this movie is. The animation is bad, the plot is scary for young kids, the characters bounced back and forth between being set in historical time and then they start rocking out and there is multiple makeout sessions between characters.

This is a terrible movie.

Don't waste your money or worse your time, and possibly a little of your soul, by watching this movie.

The Barkleys

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