Saturday, September 7, 2013

After Earth (+UltraViolet Digital Copy)

Not your typical Will Smith movie
I'll try not to give the plot away but my overall opinion is that this is a mediocre rental at best. I had high hopes for this movie as I'm a fan of post apocalyptic movies and futuristic movies. Adding Will Smith's good acting to the mix had me thinking this was a sure hit. Unfortunately-the movie follows his son Jaden Smith, whose acting skills are less than stellar. Will Smith does start out in the movie with a majority of the scenes but 15 minutes into the film and his exposure is cut to a him communicating with his son through basically a wrist walkie talkie. He is not involved in any of the action sequences in the movie and Jaden Smith's acting skills are not developed enough to carry a movie in my opinion. I can only assume he was cast in this movie as a favor to his father. Will's performance as a strict futuristic military type father is just ok as his character is supposed to come across as a very strict-almost unfeeling father and yet it's just stiff acting at best...

Not a good movie
I'm sorry to say I paid full price to see this movie in the theater. I felt robbed. I love science fiction and I am a Will Smith fan so what could go wrong? Everything. This movie was slow and the characters were not likable. The acting was horrendous and the plot....was there a plot, I can't remember I was so bored. I'm sorry to say I will never get that hour and a half of my life back. I'm giving it two stars because the special effects were decent.

I expected more!!!
I watched the movie first and did not read any reviews for it. I did hear this movie wasn't that good, but I gave it a shot anyways. Not surprised that there are mostly negative reviews than positive reviews on here. Anyways, let's get on with my review.

I thought this movie does have the story going for it, but you really have to "pay attention" to what is being said in the beginning of the movie. If you miss anything from what they told you, than most likely, you're going to get a little lost into it. The story is very interesting. Earth is slowly becoming an inhabitable planet, and so, the military made a department division called, The Rangers core. The Rangers go out and try to locate a new planet for Earth's people to live on. Eventually, they did find a new planet, Nova Prime, and the people of Earth move relocate there. They do find out that they were not alone on the planet. The Aliens of that world try to kill the humans by creating these new huge monsters that...

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