Friday, September 13, 2013


The March (on Washington) PBS Documentary
I was 16 years old when the peaceful March on Washington occurred. This documentary was inspirational and it flowed smoothly. It reminded me of what a unique and rare event it was. For such an important point in history when so much had occurred before and after August 28, 1963, the film does justice to the subject of civil rights in a relatively small amount of time. The film highlights many people who were behind this event, in addition to Dr. Martin Luther King, including the 250,000 people of various races who came from all over the country to be seen, and to hear the speeches and music. For those who were too young to understand what was happening fifty years ago to people my age and older, this film is educational, thorough and effective in showing progress that has been made with civil rights in the U.S. It also makes clear how far we still have to go for racial equality, integration and equal rights for all minorities. This is an important documentary of a remarkable event...

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